High performance, man portable target acquisition system
Next generation target acquisition system for fast, accurate and simple SIR, FO, JTAC and fire support missions. The Pointer incorporates full GIS mapping system and intuitive operating interface. Pointer has operationally proven targeting capabilities that are extremely fast and simple to operate therefore reducing cognitive load and enabling better performance in less skilled operators.
Next generation target acquisition system for fast, accurate and simple SIR, FO, JTAC and fire support missions. The Pointer incorporates full GIS mapping system and intuitive operating interface. Pointer has operationally targeting capabilities that are extremely fast and simple to operate therefore reducing cognitive load and enabling better performance in less skilled operators.
Micro Pointer
Next generation mini target acquisition system for fast, accurate and simple SIR, FO, JTAC and fire support missions. The Micro Pointer incorporates full GIS mapping system and intuitive operating interface. Micro Pointer has operationally proven Cat I/II capabilities that are extremely fast and simple to operate therefore reducing cognitive load and enabling better performance in less skilled operators.